

Anna Scampicchio was invited to present her work "Data-driven control of input-affine systems: the role of the signature transform" at the workshop "external page Bridging Rough Paths and Deep Learning: New Frontiers" at the external page Alan Turing Institute in London, organized by the Mathematical Institute of the University of Oxford. You can external page register here (until Nov 1). 


Melanie Zeilinger gave a plenary talk at the external page Symposium on Systems Theory in Data and Optimization (SysDO) 2024 on "Learning in Optimization-based Control – Guarantees in the Unknown". [external page Talk Details]


Project lead Andrea Carron discusses the Airshield, an innovative piece of equipment developed to reduce aerodynamic drag, enabling athletes to train at speeds above their normal pace. [ETH News Article] [external page SRF Video (Einstein)]  

Running without limits: When air creates no resistance


Antoine Leeman was a finalist of the external page Young Author Award at the external page IFAC Conference on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (NMPC) 2024 for his paper "Fast System Level Synthesis: Robust Model Predictive Control using Riccati Recursions". Congratulations, Antoine! [external page Paper] [Code]


Fabian Flürenbrock won the outstanding student paper award at the external page IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Application (CCTA) in Newcastle, UK for his paper “Model-based Estimation of Ventricular Cerebrospinal Fluid Volume”.

Congratulations to Fabian and co-authors Simon Muntwiler, Leonie Korn, Marianne Schmid Daners, Melanie Zeilinger! [external page Paper] [external page NCCR Automation News]


Fabian Flürenbrock was elected as a Board Member of the external page International Hydrocephalus Society at the 2024 World Congress in Nagoya, Japan.


Ferdinand Geuss, Francesco Ricca and Maximilian Degner started in our group as Scientific Assistants. Ferdinand is working on the physiological control of ventricular assist devices, Francesco is working on an industry project with Hilti, and Maximilian has just finished his masters at ETH.  Welcome to the group! 


Melanie Zeilinger gave a plenary talk at the external page International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS) 2023 in Cambridge, UK on "Optimization-based Control under Uncertainty: Guarantees, Performance & Computation". [external page Talk Details]


Andrea Carron presented "MPCC++: Model Predictive Contouring Control for Time-Optimal Flight with Safety Constraints" at external page RSS 2024, a joint paper with the Robotics and Perception Group, UZH. [external page Paper]


Our paper was (conditionally) accepted in external page IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, "Robust Nonlinear Optimal Control via System Level Synthesis", Antoine P. Leeman, Johannes Kohler, Andrea Zanelli, Samir Bennani, Melanie N. Zeilinger. This is Antoine's first journal paper to be accepted while in our goup! [external page Preprint] [Code]


Marianne Schmid Daners leads the Biomedical Applications research in our group and was featured in the ETH Globe magazine.

Therapeutic success thanks to determination and robots


Marco Heim started as a Scientific Assistant working on online diagnostics & prediction for neurointensive care based on cerebrospinal fluid analysis.  Welcome Marco!


Antoine Leeman was awarded an ETH Doc.Mobility fellowship for a stay at MIT in external page Russ Tedrake's lab from February - August 2024.  


Leonie Korn co-founded the ETH spin-off external page breathe medical and becomes external page CTO. The company started with the "breathe" ventilator project during the first COVID-19 wave in 2020, with the development of an emergency and transport ventilator for settings where patients have limited access to quality emergency care. Congratulations to Leonie on this achievement in driving technological innovations at breathe medical!


Melanie Zeilinger was awarded the external page European Control Award (ECA), recognizing her outstanding contributions as a young researcher in the area of systems and control. The award was presented at the 2023 external page European Control Conference in Bucharest in June. 

European Control Award for Melanie Zeilinger

Melanie Zeilinger, Professor at the Institute for Dynamic Systems and Control at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering of ETH Zurich, received the European Control Award 2023.


Fabian Flürenbrock was awarded 3rd place at the Best Student Paper Award of the external page Symposium on Automation in Medical Engineering (AUTOMED) in Gießen, Germany.  Congratulations Fabian!


Our journal article, "A Soft Robotic Actuator System for In Vivo Modeling of Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus" published in the external page IEEE Transaction on Biomedical Engineering (TBME) was selected as a featured article. Author(s): Fabian Flürenbrock, Luca Rosalia, Anthony Podgoršak, Katherina Sapozhnikov, Nina Eva Trimmel, Miriam Weisskopf, Markus Florian Oertel, Ellen Roche, Melanie N. Zeilinger, Leonie Korn, Marianne Schmid Daners [external page TBME Featured Article] [external page Full Journal Paper]


Rahel Rickenbach was awarded the Swiss Robotics Master Award by NCCR Robotics for outstanding female students in the field of robotics and the Schweizer Gesellschaft für Automatik (SGA) award for outstanding Master theses. Congrats!

Robotics researchers honored


Prof. Melanie Zeilinger receives Golden Owl 2022: full article

Melanie Zeilinger receives Golden Owl 2022


Prof. Melanie Zeilinger was appointed as Associate Professor of Intelligent Control Systems in the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering. Congrats to our team lead! 


VIEshunt wins Young Investigators Award!
Congrats to Fabian Flürenbrock, and to the whole ETH VIEshunt focus project team.

VIEshunt wins Young Investigators Award


Leonie Korn joins our group as a PostDoc. Welcome to IDSC Leonie!


L4DC 2021 goes fully virtual! Visit the conference website for more information and free registration.


Johannes Köhler joins our group as a PostDoc. Welcome to IDSC!


Lukas Fröhlich and Antoine Leeman join our group as a PhD students. Welcome to IDSC!


Alex Didier joins our group as a PhD student and Anna Scampicchio as a PostDoc. Welcome to IDSC!


Fabian Flürenbrock joins our group as a PhD student. Welcome to IDSC!


Check out our new lecture Advanced MPC in the course catalogue, available in the upcoming Fall semester!


ETH News for Industry featured our collaboration with Hilti: external page An autopilot for drilling.


Our paper on Inverse Optimal Control was accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology. [external page ieeexplore]


An early access version of our review of learning-based model predictive control methods in The Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems is available external page here.


Our paper on scalable MPC for autonomous mobility on demand systems was accepted for the IEEE Transaction on Control Systems Technology.


The scenario-based extension of the indirect feedback SMPC was accepted for the IEEE Control System Letters. external page [ieeexplore]


Cautious learning-based MPC was accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Control System Technology. external page [preprint]


Our paper on MPC-based offset free tracking with learned models was accepted for the IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters and IROS! external page [ieeexplore]


Our paper on learning-based MPC for autonomous racing was accepted for the IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters and IROS! See you all in Macao! external page [ieeexplore]


Congratulations! Lukas Hewing was awarded the Springorum Denkmünze from RWTH Aachen for his excellent Master's degree.


Congratulations! Marcel Menner was awarded the Excellent Degree prize from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Technische Universität München for his Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering.

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