
Invited Session Series on Learning-based Control

jointly organized by Angela Schoellig (University of Toronto), Sebastian Trimpe (RWTH Aachen), Melanie Zeilinger (ETH Zurich), Matthias Müller (Leibniz University Hannover).

Based on the increasing interest in this domain, we have started a new Invited Session Series taking place yearly at the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC).


L4DC - Learning for Dynamics & Control Conference

jointly organized by Ali Jadbabaie (MIT), John Lygeros (ETH Zurich), George Pappas (Penn), Pablo Parrilo (MIT), Ben Recht (UC Berkley), Davide Scaramuzza (University of Zurich), Claire Tomlin (UC Berkley), Melanie Zeilinger (ETH Zurich).

Over the next decade, the biggest generator of data is expected to be devices that sense and control the physical world.


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