Control Systems I

Analysis and synthesis for linear time-invariant control systems with one input and one output signal (SISO). State-space models, time response, stability conditions. Transfer functions and frequency response. Stability analysis under feedback: Root Locus, Bode plots, Nyquist condition. Feedback control synthesis: time- and frequency-domain specifications, PID lead/lag compensation, loop shaping.

Basic knowledge of (complex) analysis and linear algebra.
Familiarity with Matlab is recommended.

The lecture and the recitations will be held in English.

Lecture Notes, Problem Sets and Q&A Forum
We will be using Moodle to share all lecture related materials (lecture notes, problem sets, additional references) and to host a Q&A forum that we invite students to use to post any lecture related questions.

There is no required textbook. Our recommendation is

Feedback Systems: An Introduction for Scientists and Engineers
Karl J. Astrom and Richard M. Murray

which can be dowloaded for free external page here.


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