Frazzoli's Group

These guidelines apply to the projects supervised by Prof. Frazzoli.


A Studies in Mechatronics project is aimed at teaching students how to perform independent research as well as learn more about a focus area that interests them. The students work independently on a study of selected topics in the field of Mechatronics, Robotics or Control systems. They start with a selection of scientific papers to continue literature research. The results are presented in an oral presentation and summarized in a report, which takes the discussion of the presentation into account.

Student Tasks

Students are required to identify a minimum of ten pertinent articles (books, journals, conference proceedings, etc.) in the literature in consultation with supervisor. These articles pertain to various topics in robotics and mechatronics and should represent the core knowledge of the area. After two weeks, students are asked to submit a 2-page proposal outlining the value, state-of-the art and study plan based on these articles. The student will then work towards the final report and presentation. The supervisor will meet with the student at least 2 times during the semester, aside from the preparation for the final presentation.

Two to three weeks prior to the deadline, a 10 minute oral progress report (presentation) is given by the student that is critiqued by the instructor with detailed comments on substance and effectiveness of lecture and response on questions from audience. At the end the student submits a written report following the format of a representative journal article.


A typical project will include a number of smaller topics from one larger subject area. Please send via e-mail a selection of 2-3 topics that interest you. 


week 0 receive project topic
week 2 develop research plan
week 4 first meeting with advisor
week 8 second meeting with advisor
week 12 practice presentation
week 13 final presentation


You should read the ETH Citation Etiquette and working accordingly. For more information, read the ETH information on plagiarism. Furthermore, you are urged to use the Download IDSC Thesis Template to write your report.


Download Report template. (ZIP, 505 KB)

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